Department of Sociology - Gallery

			Seminar presentation of students on Tribes of Odisha
Seminar presentation of students on Tribes of Odisha

			Seminar presentation of students on Tribes of Odisha
Seminar presentation of students on Tribes of Odisha

			Participation of students in a panel discussion on the occasion of International Day of Older Persons
Participation of students in a panel discussion on the occasion of International Day of Older Persons

			Study tour of students to Odisha State Tribal Museum
Study tour of students to Odisha State Tribal Museum

			Extra mural lecture by Dr. Amrita Shastri, Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University
Extra mural lecture by Dr. Amrita Shastri, Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University

			Freshers Party for UG and PG students
Freshers Party for UG and PG students

			Newsletter Inauguration
Newsletter Inauguration

			Student seminar on Contemporary Issues in Sociological Research
Student seminar on Contemporary Issues in Sociological Research

			Farewell meeting- 2023-24
Farewell meeting- 2023-24

			National Seminar on Financial Education, Indian Securities market and AMP: Wealth Management
National Seminar on Financial Education, Indian Securities market and AMP: Wealth Management

			Celebrating World Water Day at KIIT Campus
Celebrating World Water Day at KIIT Campus

			Alumni Meet 2023-24
Alumni Meet 2023-24

			Orientation of newly admitted UG and PG students (AB-2023)
Orientation of newly admitted UG and PG students (AB-2023)

			Participation of students in Poster Making Competition on the occasion of World Mental Health Day
Participation of students in Poster Making Competition on the occasion of World Mental Health Day

			On the occasion of International Convention on Millets at Janata Maidan
On the occasion of International Convention on Millets at Janata Maidan

			Winning the Runners-Up trophy for the Tug of War organized during NUA-O Campaign
Winning the Runners-Up trophy for the Tug of War organized during NUA-O Campaign

			Performing Dandia on the 9th Foundation Day of the University
Performing Dandia on the 9th Foundation Day of the University

			Field Trip to Rama Chandi
Field Trip to Rama Chandi

Rama Devi Women's University Vidya Vihar,PO:Bhoinagar Bhubaneswar,751022,Odisha,India Phone No. : 0674-2542644 Email:registrar(at)rdwu(dot)ac(dot)in