Comptroller of Finance

Smt. Meetarani Bishwal

Comptroller of Finance (OFS)(SG)

Email : cof(at)rdwu(dot)ac(dot)in

Powers & duties

The Comptroller of Finance shall Act as the Secretary to the Finance Committee of the University constituted under theses Statutes and in addition to the powers conferred on him by the Act, he shall exercise the power and perform the duties specified below, namely:

  1. Receive all contributions, grants, gifts and endowments made in favour of, or for the purpose of the University
  2. Collect income and fees received by the University and account for students’ loan and scholarship funds and make payment
  3. Be responsible for day-to-day financial transactions of the University and for proper accounting thereof and of incidental matters including correspondence relating thereto
  4. Establish and administer such petty cash funds as are needed
  5. Shall be the treasure of all funds contributed for students’ organizations, if any of the University
  6. Scrutinize all bills except those specified in clause (h) of the University statute and if they are in order and within the budgetary provisions of the university and are not in violation of the rules of the University, make prompt payment
  7. Prepare utilization certificate for funds, received from the Government, University Grants Commission and other funding agencies and cause them to be sent in time to the appropriate authority through the Registrar
  8. Prepare pay and allowance bills of the officers, teachers and other employees of the University and draw and disburse the amounts thereof
  9. Maintain accounts of the University in pursuance of the provision of the Odisha University Accounts Manual, 1987
  10. Develop and operate an internal audit system so that the records of all officers of the University and employees responsible for the custody of the property and funds may be verified by the audit
  11. Place statement of accounts at such intervals as may be decided by the Syndicate and report the financial position of the University to Finance Committee and Vice-Chancellor from time to time
  12. Render such assistance to the Registrar as may be necessary in regard to the management of the properties and investments of the funds of the University and the scrutiny of the contracts to be signed by the Registrar
  13. Bring any serious irregularity in financial transactions of the University to the notice of the Syndicate through the Vice-Chancellor and the Finance Committee
  14. Exercise such other power and perform such other functions as may from time to time be conferred and imposed on him by the Syndicate and the Vice-Chancellor.

Rama Devi Women's University Vidya Vihar,PO:Bhoinagar Bhubaneswar,751022,Odisha,India Phone No. : 0674-2542644 Email:registrar(at)rdwu(dot)ac(dot)in