Welcome to Department of Psychology

About Department

The Department of Psychology was established in the erstwhile Rama Devi Women’s College in the year 1972 with only Undergraduate course. The College was upgraded to Rama Devi Women’s University in the year 2015. Currently, it has one regular faculty member, two demonstrators, and five guest faculties. The Undergraduate course had 32 seats allotted for each academic session. From the session 2023-2024 the strength of the seat has increased to 47. The Post Graduate course was introduced from the academic session 2021. At present there is 15 seats allotted for this course. The CBCS pattern of syllabus is adopted for both UG & PG programs. The Department has introduced PhD program from the session 2024. There are two Research Scholars enrolled in the current session. The department is situated in the 3rd floor of the Academic Block – 2 of the university. The various infrastructural facilities available in the department are - 01 UG and 01 PG classrooms, 01 Laboratory, 01 Seminar Library room, 01 Smart classroom, 01 students’ activity room, 04 teacher’s room, 01 demonstrator’s room, 01 HOD’s office room, 01 department office room, and 01 store room. The Department organizes regular seminars by inviting resource persons from distinguished universities and colleges across Odisha. The weekly students’ seminars are conducted in each semester and it has highly benefitted students with their presentation skills, and group discussion abilities. The Department offers Value Added Courses in both UG and PG. The UG VAC – I offers course in Geriatric Care & Counselling, UG VAC – II offers course in Health and Well-being, and the PG VAC offers course in Research Methodology. From the academic session 2023-2024, the Department of Psychology in collaboration with the Departments of Education, Home Science, and Gender Studies offers a Certificate Course in Disability Studies for both UG and PG students across all disciplines.

  • To empower students to develop into proficient, compassionate, and ethical professionals in the field of psychology, equipped with a profound comprehension of human behavior, critical thinking skills, and knowledge to contribute to the well-being of individuals and society.

  • To provide high-quality education in psychology, by imparting theoretical knowledge, real-world skills, and ethical values to students.
  • To advance knowledge and innovation by engaging in cutting-edge research, exploring emerging trends and encourages creativity in various areas of psychology.
  • To develop practical skills through hands-on experiences, internships, and practical training opportunities, preparing students for careers in counseling, clinical psychology, research, and other applied fields.
  • To instill confidence and leadership quality among the young talents by nurturing and, mentoring them.
  • To contribute to the well-being of society by addressing psychological challenges and promote mental health, actively engaging in community outreach, counseling, and advocacy efforts to improve the well-being of individuals and society at large.

Rama Devi Women's University Vidya Vihar,PO:Bhoinagar Bhubaneswar,751022,Odisha,India Phone No. : 0674-2542644 Email:registrar(at)rdwu(dot)ac(dot)in